'Kitchen Sink'-Dokumentation von Style: 'Delos' vom Skin: 'ILIAS'
- Purpose
- The Lightbox modal displays media data such as images or videos. It may also display text that has a purely descriptive nature and does not offer interaction.
- Composition
- A Lightbox modal consists of one or multiple lightbox pages representing the text or media together with a title.
- Effect
- Lightbox modals are activated by clicking the full view glyphicon, the title of the object or it's thumbnail. If multiple pages are to be displayed, they can flipped through.
- Usage
- Lightbox modals MUST contain a title above the presented item.
- Lightbox modals SHOULD contain a descriptional text below the presented items.
- Multiple items inside a Lightbox modal MUST be presented in carousel like manner allowing to flickr through items.
Example 1: Show different page types
function show_different_page_types() { global $DIC; $factory = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer(); $image = $factory->image()->responsive('src/UI/examples/Image/mountains.jpg', 'Nice view on some mountains'); $page = $factory->modal()->lightboxImagePage( $image, 'Mountains', 'Image source:, Creative Commons CC0 license' ); $page2 = $factory->modal()->lightboxTextPage('Some text content you have to agree on!', 'User Agreement'); $image2 = $factory->image()->responsive('src/UI/examples/Image/sanfrancisco.jpg', 'The golden gate bridge'); $page3 = $factory->modal()->lightboxImagePage( $image2, 'San Francisco', 'Image source:, Creative Commons CC0 license' ); $page4 = $factory->modal()->lightboxTextPage( 'Another text content you have to agree on!', 'Data Privacy Statement' ); $image3 = $factory->image()->responsive('src/UI/examples/Image/ski.jpg', 'Skiing'); $page5 = $factory->modal()->lightboxImagePage( $image3, 'Ski Fun', 'Image source:, Creative Commons CC0 license' ); $modal = $factory->modal()->lightbox([$page, $page2, $page3, $page4, $page5]); $button = $factory->button()->standard('Show some fancy images and texts', '') ->withOnClick($modal->getShowSignal()); return $renderer->render([$button, $modal]); }
- Parents
- UIComponent
- Modal