
'Kitchen Sink'-Dokumentation von Style: 'Delos' vom Skin: 'ILIAS'



A Drilldown Menu offers a partial view on a larger set of hierarchically structured navigation possibilities. While the entries of a Drilldown Menu are actually organized in a tree-structure, there is only one level of branches visible at a time, so that space is saved and the users attention is not being obstrused by irrelevant options.
Drilldown Menus consist of a list of Buttons organized in three areas: The backlink-area holds exactly one Button to navigate to a higher level of entries, the following area again holds exactly one button to outline the current position within the tree-structure and finally the main area consisting of an unlimited number of buttons. Also, Dividers may be used so separate entries from each other.
Buttons within the Drilldown Menu will either affect the Menu itself or trigger other navigational events. Speaking of the the first ("Submenus"), the user will navigate down the tree-structure of the Menu's entries. The currently selected level will be outlined, and a backlink will be presented to navigate back up the hierarchy. Entries directly below the current level will be presented as a flat list.
  1. Drilldown Menus are primarily used in Mainbar-Slates to break down navigational topics into smaller parts.


  1. A Drilldown Menu MUST contain further Submenus or Buttons.
  2. Drilldown Menus MUST contain more than one entry (Submenu or Button).

Example 1: Drilldown

      function drilldown()
          global $DIC;
          $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
          $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
          $ico = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard('', '')->withSize('medium')->withAbbreviation('+');
          $image = $f->image()->responsive("src/UI/examples/Image/mountains.jpg", "Image source:, Creative Commons CC0 license");
          $page = $f->modal()->lightboxImagePage($image, 'Mountains');
          $modal = $f->modal()->lightbox($page);
          $button = $f->button()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('>'), 'Modal', '')
          $label = $f->button()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('0'), 'root', '');
          $uri = new \ILIAS\Data\URI('');
          $link = $f->link()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('>>'), 'link', $uri);
          $items = [
              $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('1'), [
                      [$button, $link]
                  $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('1.2'), [
                      $f->menu()->sub('1.2.1', [$button]),
                      $f->menu()->sub('1.2.2', [$button])
              $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('2'), [
                  $f->menu()->sub('2.1', [$button]),
                  $f->menu()->sub('2.2', [$button]),
                  $f->menu()->sub('2.3', [$button])
          $dd = $f->menu()->drilldown($label, $items);
          return $renderer->render([
      function toBulky(string $label) : \ILIAS\UI\Component\Button\Bulky
          global $DIC;
          $f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
          $ico = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard('', '')
          return $f->button()->bulky($ico, $label, '');


      1. UIComponent
      2. Menu