'Kitchen Sink'-Dokumentation von Style: 'Delos' vom Skin: 'ILIAS'
- Purpose
- A Drilldown Menu offers a partial view on a larger set of hierarchically structured navigation possibilities. While the entries of a Drilldown Menu are actually organized in a tree-structure, there is only one level of branches visible at a time, so that space is saved and the users attention is not being obstrused by irrelevant options.
- Composition
- Drilldown Menus consist of a list of Buttons organized in three areas: The backlink-area holds exactly one Button to navigate to a higher level of entries, the following area again holds exactly one button to outline the current position within the tree-structure and finally the main area consisting of an unlimited number of buttons. Also, Dividers may be used so separate entries from each other.
- Effect
- Buttons within the Drilldown Menu will either affect the Menu itself or trigger other navigational events. Speaking of the the first ("Submenus"), the user will navigate down the tree-structure of the Menu's entries. The currently selected level will be outlined, and a backlink will be presented to navigate back up the hierarchy. Entries directly below the current level will be presented as a flat list.
- Context
- Drilldown Menus are primarily used in Mainbar-Slates to break down navigational topics into smaller parts.
- Usage
- A Drilldown Menu MUST contain further Submenus or Buttons.
- Drilldown Menus MUST contain more than one entry (Submenu or Button).
Example 1: Drilldown
function drilldown() { global $DIC; $f = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer(); $ico = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard('', '')->withSize('medium')->withAbbreviation('+'); $image = $f->image()->responsive("src/UI/examples/Image/mountains.jpg", "Image source:, Creative Commons CC0 license"); $page = $f->modal()->lightboxImagePage($image, 'Mountains'); $modal = $f->modal()->lightbox($page); $button = $f->button()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('>'), 'Modal', '') ->withOnClick($modal->getShowSignal()); $label = $f->button()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('0'), 'root', ''); $uri = new \ILIAS\Data\URI(''); $link = $f->link()->bulky($ico->withAbbreviation('>>'), 'link', $uri); $items = [ $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('1'), [ $f->menu()->sub( toBulky('1.1'), [$button, $link] ) ->withInitiallyActive(), $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('1.2'), [ $f->menu()->sub('1.2.1', [$button]), $f->menu()->sub('1.2.2', [$button]) ]), $button ]), $f->menu()->sub(toBulky('2'), [ $f->menu()->sub('2.1', [$button]), $f->menu()->sub('2.2', [$button]), $f->divider()->horizontal(), $f->menu()->sub('2.3', [$button]) ]) ]; $dd = $f->menu()->drilldown($label, $items); return $renderer->render([ $dd, $modal ]); } function toBulky(string $label) : \ILIAS\UI\Component\Button\Bulky { global $DIC; $f = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $ico = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard('', '') ->withSize('medium') ->withAbbreviation('+'); return $f->button()->bulky($ico, $label, ''); }
- Parents
- UIComponent
- Menu