* This is a rather extended example on the usage of the Notification Item async
* functionality provided by src/UI/templates/js/Item/notification.js.
* See notification.js for a detailed description of the function. Note that
* we use some il.DemoScope to store some JS for Demo purposes, it contains the
* following three items:
* - DemoScopeRemaining: Integer, Counting how many Items are still there
* - DemoScopeAdded: Integer, Counting how many Items have been addedf
* - DemoScopeItem: Most importantly, the Notification Object for executing all the
* Async logic.
* The functions of the public interface of interest featured here are:
* - getNotificationItemObject($item_or_object_inside_item): Most importantly, returning
* the Item Object, for access to all other functions of the interface.
* - replaceByAsyncItem(url,send_data): Replaces the item completely with a new retrieved async.
* - replaceContentByAsyncItemContent(url,send_data): Only replaces the data around the item
* (title, description and such)
* - addAsyncAggregate(url,send_data): Adds one aggregate retrieved async (the sub-like items).
* - getCounterObjectIfAny(): Gets an instance of the counter for manual manipulations.
* Of further Interest could be (not featured here):
* - getCloseButtonOfItem(): Getting a jQuery instance of the close button, e.g. for attaching
* more interactions.
* @return string
function extended_notifications()
//Set up the gears as always
global $DIC;
$f = $DIC->ui()->factory();
$renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer();
//Create some bare UI Components Notification Item to be used all over the place
$icon = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard("chtr", "chtr");
$title = $f->link()->standard("Some Title", "#");
$item = $f->item()->notification($title, $icon);
//We provide 4 async endpoints here
//Endpoint if element ist closed
$async_close = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=true&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=false';
//Attach this directly to all items to be closable (showing the Close Button)
$closable_item = $item->withCloseAction($async_close);
//Endpoint if replace button is pressed
$async_replace_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=true&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=false';
//Endpoint if for only replacing data of the item (description, title etc.)
$async_replace_content_load_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=true&async_add_aggregate=false';
//Endpoint for adding one single aggreate item
$async_add_aggregate = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '&close_item=false&async_load_replace=false&async_load_replace_content=false&async_add_aggregate=true';
if ($_GET['close_item'] === "true") {
//Note that we passe back JS logic here for further processing here
$js = $f->legacy("")->withOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_content_load_url) {
return "
il.DemoScopeItem.replaceContentByAsyncItemContent('$async_replace_content_load_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeRemaining,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
echo $renderer->renderAsync($js);
if ($_GET['async_load_replace'] === "true") {
$remaining = $_GET["remaining"];
$added = $_GET["added"];
//We create the amount of aggregates send to us by get and put an according
//description into the newly create Notification Item
$items = [];
for ($i = 1; $i < $added + 1; $i++) {
$items[] = $closable_item->withDescription("This item is number: " . $i . " of a fix set of 10 entries.");
$replacement = $item->withDescription("Number of Async non-closed Aggregates: " . $remaining . ", totally created: " . $added)
echo $renderer->renderAsync([$replacement]);
if ($_GET['async_load_replace_content'] === "true") {
$remaining = $_GET["remaining"];
$added = $_GET["added"];
$replacement = $item->withDescription("Number of Async non-closed Aggregates: " . $remaining . ", totally created: " . $added);
echo $renderer->renderAsync([$replacement]);
if ($_GET['async_add_aggregate'] === "true") {
$remaining = $_GET["remaining"];
$added = $_GET["added"];
$new_aggregate = $closable_item->withDescription("The item has been added, Nr: " . $added);
echo $renderer->renderAsync([$new_aggregate]);
//Button with attached js logic to add one new Notification, note, that
//we also change the description of the already existing parent Notification
//Item holding the aggregates.
$add_button = $f->button()->standard("Add Chat Notification", "#")
->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url, $async_add_aggregate) {
return "
$('#$id').click(function() {
il.DemoScopeItem.addAsyncAggregate('$async_add_aggregate',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
il.DemoScopeItem.replaceContentByAsyncItemContent('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeRemaining,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
//Resetting all counts to 0, remove all aggregates
$reset_button = $f->button()->standard("Reset Chat", "#")
->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url) {
return "
$('#$id').click(function() {
il.DemoScopeAdded = 0;
il.DemoScopeRemaining = 0;
il.DemoScopeItem.replaceByAsyncItem('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
//Set all counts to a fixed value of ten.
$set_button = $f->button()->standard("Set to 10 chat entries", "#")
->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) use ($async_replace_url) {
return "
$('#$id').click(function() {
il.DemoScopeAdded = 10;
il.DemoScopeRemaining = 10;
il.DemoScopeItem.replaceByAsyncItem('$async_replace_url',{remaining: il.DemoScopeAdded,added: il.DemoScopeAdded});
* Important, this is the heart of the example. By creating our Notification Item
* we attach in additionalOnLoad code the logic to store access to our freshly
* created Notification Item.
$async_item = $item
->withDescription("This is the original Version after the Page has loaded. Will be replaced completely.")
->withAdditionalOnLoadCode(function ($id) {
return "
il.DemoScopeAdded = 0;
il.DemoScopeRemaining = 0;
il.DemoScopeItem = il.UI.item.notification.getNotificationItemObject($($id));
* Note the work from here on is usually done by the global screen. This is
* just done to get the example up and running and to give it a more realistic
* look. See ilias/src/GlobalScreen/Scope/Notification/README.md
return usuallyDoneByGlobalScreenProbablyIgnore($async_item, $f, $renderer, $add_button, $set_button, $reset_button);
function usuallyDoneByGlobalScreenProbablyIgnore($async_item, $f, $renderer, $add_button, $set_button, $reset_button)
//Put the item in some slate.
$async_slate = $f->mainControls()->slate()->notification("Chat", [$async_item]);
//Just some candy, to give the whole example a more realistic look.
$mail_icon = $f->symbol()->icon()->standard("mail", "mail");
$mail_title = $f->link()->standard("Inbox", "link_to_inbox");
$mail_notification_item = $f->item()->notification($mail_title, $mail_icon)
->withDescription("You have 23 unread mails in your inbox")
->withProperties(["Time" => "3 days ago"]);
$mail_slate = $f->mainControls()->slate()->notification("Mail", [$mail_notification_item]);
$notification_glyph = $f->symbol()->glyph()->notification("notification", "notification")
$notification_center = $f->mainControls()->slate()
->combined("Notification Center", $notification_glyph)
$css_fix = "<style>.panel-primary .il-maincontrols-metabar{flex-direction: column;} .panel-primary .il-metabar-slates{position: relative;top: 0px;}</style>";
return $css_fix . $renderer->render([buildMetabarWithNotifications($f, $notification_center),$add_button,$set_button,$reset_button]);
function buildMetabarWithNotifications($f, $notification_center)
$help = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->help(), 'Help', '#');
$search = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->search(), 'Search', '#');
$user = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->user(), 'User', '#');
$metabar = $f->mainControls()->metabar()
->withAdditionalEntry('search', $search)
->withAdditionalEntry('help', $help)
->withAdditionalEntry('notification', $notification_center)
->withAdditionalEntry('user', $user);
return $metabar;