'Kitchen Sink'-Dokumentation von Style: 'Delos' vom Skin: 'ILIAS'
- Purpose
- The Standard Page is the regular view upon ILIAS.
- Composition
- The main parts of a Page are the Metabar, the Mainbar providing main navigation, the logo, title, breadcrumbs and, of course, the pages's content. "Content" in this case is the part of the page that is not Mainbar, Metabar, Footer or Locator, but e.g. the Repository-Listing, an object's view or edit form, etc. The locator (in form of breadcrumbs), the logo and titles are optional. Finally, there are short- and view title. The short title is usually used to identify the installation of ILIAS, while the view-title gives a very short reference to the current view. Both short title and view title are put into the title-tag of the page so they show up in the browser's tab.
- Usage
- The Standard Page MUST be rendered with content, i.e. the actual view on the context.
- The Standard Page MUST be rendered with a Metabar.
- The Standard Page MUST be rendered with a Mainbar.
- The Standard Page SHOULD be rendered with Breadcrumbs.
- The Standard Page SHOULD be rendered with a Logo.
- The Standard Page SHOULD be rendered with a Title.
- The Standard Page's short title SHOULD reference the current ILIAS installation.
- The Standard Page's view title SHOULD give a good hint to the current view.
- Accessibility
- Scrollable areas of the Standard Page MUST be scrollable by only using the keyboard.
- The content area of the Standard Page MUST be focused on page load.
- For the content area of the Standard Page, the HTML tag < main > MUST be used to be identified as the ARIA Landmark Role "Main".
- For the Header of the Standard Page, where Logo and Title are placed, the HTML tag < header > MUST be used to be identified as the ARIA Landmark Role "Banner".
- For the Footer of the Standard Page, the HTML tag < footer > MUST be used to be identified as the ARIA Landmark Role "Contentinfo". As long as the Footer is nested in the HTML element "main", the HTML element of the Footer MUST additionally be declared with the ARIA role "Contentinfo".
Example 1: Ui
use ILIAS\Data\URI; function ui() { global $DIC; $f = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer(); $url = 'src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/ui.php?new_ui=1'; $btn = $f->button()->standard('See UI in fullscreen-mode', $url); return $renderer->render($btn); } if ($_GET['new_ui'] == '1') { _initIliasForPreview(); $f = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer(); $logo = $f->image()->responsive("templates/default/images/HeaderIcon.svg", "ILIAS"); $breadcrumbs = pagedemoCrumbs($f); $metabar = pagedemoMetabar($f); $mainbar = pagedemoMainbar($f, $renderer); $mainbar = $mainbar //->withActive("pws") /** * You can also activate a tool initially * or remove all active states: */ //->withActive("tool2") //->withActive($mainbar::NONE_ACTIVE) ; $footer = pagedemoFooter($f); $entries = $mainbar->getEntries(); $tools = $mainbar->getToolEntries(); $content = pagedemoContent($f, $renderer, $mainbar); $page = $f->layout()->page()->standard( $content, $metabar, $mainbar, $breadcrumbs, $logo, $footer, 'UI PAGE DEMO', //page title 'ILIAS', //short title 'Std. Page Demo' //view title )->withModeInfo($f->mainControls()->modeInfo("Member View", new URI($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))) ->withUIDemo(true); echo $renderer->render($page); } if ($_GET['replaced'] == '1') { echo('Helo. Content from RPC.'); exit(); } /** * Below are helpers for the construction of demo-content */ function _initIliasForPreview() { chdir('../../../../../../'); require_once("Services/Init/classes/class.ilInitialisation.php"); require_once('src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/ui.php'); ilInitialisation::initILIAS(); } function pagedemoCrumbs($f) { $crumbs = array( $f->link()->standard("entry1", '#'), $f->link()->standard("entry2", '#'), $f->link()->standard("entry3", '#'), $f->link()->standard("entry4", '#') ); return $f->breadcrumbs($crumbs); } function pagedemoContent($f, $r, $mainbar) { $tools = $mainbar->getToolEntries(); $second_tool = array_values($tools)[1]; $url = "./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/ui.php?replaced=1"; $replace_signal = $second_tool->getReplaceSignal()->withAsyncRenderUrl($url); $replace_btn = $f->button()->standard('replace contents in 2nd tool', $replace_signal); $invisible_tool = array_values($tools)[2]; $engage_signal = $mainbar->getEngageToolSignal(array_keys($tools)[2]); $invisible_tool_btn = $f->button()->standard('show the hidden tool', $engage_signal); return array( $f->panel()->standard( 'Using Signals', $f->legacy( "This button will replace the contents of the second tool-slate.<br />" . "Goto Tools, second entry and click it.<br />" . $r->render($replace_btn) . "<br><br>This will unhide and activate another tool<br />" . $r->render($invisible_tool_btn) ) ), $f->panel()->standard( 'Demo Content 2', $f->legacy("some content<br>some content<br>some content<br>x.") ), $f->panel()->standard( 'Demo Content 3', $f->legacy(loremIpsum()) ), $f->panel()->standard( 'Demo Content 4', $f->legacy("some content<br>some content<br>some content<br>x.") ) ); } function pagedemoFooter($f) { $df = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory(); $text = 'Additional info:'; $links = []; $links[] = $f->link()->standard("Goto ILIAS", ""); $links[] = $f->link()->standard("Goto ILIAS", ""); $footer = $f->mainControls()->footer($links, $text) ->withPermanentURL( $df->uri( $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ); return $footer; } function pagedemoMetabar($f) { $help = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->help(), 'Help', '#'); $user = $f->button()->bulky($f->symbol()->glyph()->user(), 'User', '#'); $search = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Search', $f->symbol()->glyph()->search()->withCounter($f->counter()->status(1)), $f->legacy(substr(loremIpsum(), 0, 180)) ); $notes = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Notification', $f->symbol()->glyph()->notification()->withCounter($f->counter()->novelty(3)), $f->legacy('<p>some content</p>') ); $metabar = $f->mainControls()->metabar() ->withAdditionalEntry('search', $search) ->withAdditionalEntry('help', $help) ->withAdditionalEntry('notes', $notes) ->withAdditionalEntry('user', $user) ; return $metabar; } function pagedemoMainbar($f, $r) { $tools_btn = $f->button()->bulky( $f->symbol()->icon()->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/grid.svg', ''), 'Tools', '#' ); $more_btn = $f->button()->bulky( $f->symbol()->icon()->standard('', ''), 'more', '#' ); $mainbar = $f->mainControls()->mainbar() ->withToolsButton($tools_btn) ->withMoreButton($more_btn); $entries = []; $entries['repository'] = getDemoEntryRepository($f); $entries['pws'] = getDemoEntryPersonalWorkspace($f, $r); $entries['achievements'] = getDemoEntryAchievements($f); $entries['communication'] = getDemoEntryCommunication($f); $entries['organisation'] = getDemoEntryOrganisation($f); $entries['administration'] = getDemoEntryAdministration($f); foreach ($entries as $id => $entry) { $mainbar = $mainbar->withAdditionalEntry($id, $entry); } $tools = getDemoEntryTools($f); $mainbar = $mainbar ->withAdditionalToolEntry('tool1', $tools['tool1'], false, $f->button()->close()) ->withAdditionalToolEntry('tool2', $tools['tool2']) ->withAdditionalToolEntry('tool3', $tools['tool3'], true, $f->button()->close()) ->withAdditionalToolEntry('tool4', $tools['tool4'], false, $f->button()->close()); return $mainbar; } function getDemoEntryRepository($f) { $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/layers.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->combined('Repository', $symbol, ''); $icon = $f->symbol()->icon() ->standard('', '') ->withSize('small') ->withAbbreviation('X'); $button = $f->button()->bulky( $icon, 'Button 1', './src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/ui.php?new_ui=1' ); $df = new \ILIAS\Data\Factory(); $url = $df->uri( $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ); $link1 = $f->link()->bulky($icon, 'Favorites (Link)', $url); $link2 = $f->link()->bulky($icon, 'Courses (Link2)', $url); $link3 = $f->link()->bulky($icon, 'Groups (Link)', $url); $slate = $slate ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Repository - Home')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Repository - Tree')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Repository - Last visited')) ->withAdditionalEntry($link1) ->withAdditionalEntry($link2) ->withAdditionalEntry($link3) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Study Programme')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Own Repository-Objects')) ; foreach (range(1, 20) as $cnt) { $slate = $slate ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('fillup ' . $cnt)); } return $slate; } function getDemoEntryPersonalWorkspace($f, $r) { $icon = $f->symbol()->icon() ->standard('', '') ->withSize('small') ->withAbbreviation('X'); $button = $f->button()->bulky( $icon, 'Button 1', './src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/ui.php?new_ui=1' ); $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/user.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate() ->combined('Personal Workspace', $symbol, ''); $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/bookmarks.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $bookmarks = $f->legacy(implode('<br />', [ $r->render($f->button()->shy('my bookmark 1', '#')), $r->render($f->button()->shy('my bookmark 2', '#')) ])); $slate_bookmarks = $f->maincontrols()->slate() ->legacy('Bookmarks', $symbol, $bookmarks); $slate = $slate ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Overview')) ->withAdditionalEntry($slate_bookmarks) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Calendar')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Task')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Portfolios')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Personal Resources')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Shared Resources')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Notes')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('News')) ->withAdditionalEntry($button->withLabel('Background Tasks')) ->withAdditionalEntry($slate_bookmarks) ; return $slate; } function getDemoEntryAchievements($f) { $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/achievements.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Achievements', $symbol, $f->legacy('content: Achievements') ); return $slate; } function getDemoEntryCommunication($f) { $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/communication.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Communication', $symbol, $f->legacy('content: Communication') ); return $slate; } function getDemoEntryOrganisation($f) { $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/organisation.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $sf = $f->maincontrols()->slate(); $slate = $sf->combined('Organisation', $symbol, '') ->withAdditionalEntry( $sf->combined('1', $symbol, '') ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('1.1', $symbol, '')) ->withAdditionalEntry( $sf->combined('1.2', $symbol, '') ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('1.2.1', $symbol, '')) ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('1.2.2', $symbol, '')) ) ) ->withAdditionalEntry( $sf->combined('2', $symbol, '') ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('2.1', $symbol, '')) ) ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('3', $symbol, '')) ->withAdditionalEntry($sf->combined('4', $symbol, '')) ; return $slate; } function getDemoEntryAdministration($f) { $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/administration.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Administration', $symbol, $f->legacy('content: Administration') ); return $slate; } function getDemoEntryTools($f) { $tools = []; $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/question.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Help', $symbol, $f->legacy('<h2>tool 1</h2><p>Some Text for Tool 1 entry</p>') ); $tools['tool1'] = $slate; $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/pencil.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Editor', $symbol, $f->legacy('<h2>tool 2</h2><p>Some Text for Tool 1 entry</p>') ); $tools['tool2'] = $slate; $symbol = $f->symbol()->icon() ->custom('./src/UI/examples/Layout/Page/Standard/notebook.svg', '') ->withSize('small'); $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Initially hidden', $symbol, $f->legacy(loremIpsum()) ); $tools['tool3'] = $slate; $slate = $f->maincontrols()->slate()->legacy( 'Closable Tool', $symbol, $f->legacy(loremIpsum()) ); $tools['tool4'] = $slate; return $tools; } function loremIpsum() : string { return <<<EOT <h2>Lorem ipsum</h2> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. </p> <p> Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. </p> <p> Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. </p> <p> Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer </p> EOT; }
- Parents
- UIComponent
- Layout
- Page